Develop and explore new opportunities for IP video and cloud-enabled experiences: Cisco paves its way.

We talk about set of initiatives driven by multiple system operators (MSOs) to develop and advance new standards for the cable industry. Predictions around this industry are encouraging to observe that, Global IP traffic (fixed and mobile) could grow three-fold from 2012 to 2017.
As, a unique objective reference for organizations and professionals, when it comes to tools and solutions to draw value-added in their activities,, praises, the overall efforts deployed by Cisco in this
Henceforth Cisco provides CableLabs with core infrastructure and Videoscape components for a new IPTV Innovations Lab in Louisville, Colorado designed, with the goal to provide cable system operator members with a great location for Internet Protocol (IP) video testing. observes that, the new IPTV Innovations Lab aims to help service providers further develop and explore the business advantages for IP video, and experiment with the innovative technologies that are advancing multiscreen and cloud-enabled user.

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