In-memory data fabric: the real value of SAP through the 7.4 version of the SAP® Business Warehouse (SAP BW) application.

When it comes to data management, always recommends comprehensive, seamless, transparent, flexible, scalable and end-to-end secured architecture. You need to focus on the actionable insights , performance , and

improved decision-making ability in real time.

As, a unique objective reference for modern organizations and professionals, when it comes to Tools, Supports and Solutions for drawing value in their daily activities, welcomes the launch of the 7.4 version of the SAP® Business Warehouse (SAP BW) application powered by SAP HANA as part of the new in-memory data architecture.
Our interest for the HANA2014 being held March 24-27, 2014 in Orlando, Florida, permitted us to observe that, SAP BW 7.4 underscores a logical analytics paradigm, by marshalling any information anywhere in the enterprise or beyond via SAP HANA smart data access technology. In fact, we talk about the improved decision-making ability.

Henceforth, SAP Business Warehouse 7.4 brings together all data warehousing, analytics and governance activities into a single business context.

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