Linux networking model within the companies: IXLeeds paves its way.

This experience is offered by Active Digital.
We talk about IXLeeds, a not-for-profit Internet Exchange Point (IXP) based in Leeds, UK. In its missions this organization has the Cumulus Linux operating system to upgrade its Internet Exchange Point. As, a unique objective reference for modern organizations and professionals, when it comes to Tools, Supports and Solutions for drawing value in their daily activities, encourages Cumulus Networks, to continue focus on the open approach which offers the right degrees of freedom, transparency and choice.
If unfamiliar, recalls that, launched in September 2010 in order to allow public peering in the north of the United Kingdom, IXLeeds aims to help its members to increase their network resilience and reduce overall traffic backhaul costs
towards London.
Henceforth the company has upgrades its system (Internet Exchange Point), which can now meet their requirements. This achievement is powered by the Cumulus Networks’ solution including: 1G Quanta and 10G Edge-Core Ethernet switches, and the latest Linux applications and automation tools, with the goal to deliver new levels of agility, scalability and flexibility to the network.

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