Payment Security: MasterCard and Visa henceforth more determined.

 As, a unique objective reference for modern organizations and professionals, when it comes to tools and solutions for drawing the value-added in their daily activities,, we have long said, no one industry or technology can solve the issue of payment system fraud on its own.
Today, is very thrilled to talk about the broad representation from the retailing, financial and equipment manufacturing industries, focused on enhancing payment system security.
In fact, MasterCard and Visa has formed a new cross-industry group focused on enhancing payment system security, with the goal to keep pace with the expectations of consumers, retailers and financial institutions. observes that, the group will initially focus on the adoption of EMV chip technology in the United States, in addition to addressing other security-related topics, including tokenization, point-to-point encryption and broader needs of
the region.
This group will focus on a broad range of security-related topics, including:
1.     Advancing the migration to EMV in the United States. Chip technology generates a unique code for every transaction, making it nearly impossible for criminals to use the card for counterfeit fraud.
2.     Promoting additional security solutions like tokenization and point to point encryption. While EMV addresses the physical point of sale, the need to protect mobile and online transactions is critical. In tokenization, the traditional account number will be replaced with a unique digital payment code, providing an additional layer of security.
3.     Developing an actionable roadmap for securing the future across all segments of the payments industry.

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