Ability to rapidly assemble, analyze and visualize immense amounts of complex data to improve decision making: Altosoft Insight 5.0 brings its colors.

Knowledge is power. At Connectikpeople.co, we experience this reality. Thanks to Active Digital.
If progressively, many businesses transition towards big data, analytics and cloud computing solutions, it is also on behalf of our commitment to bridge the gap between solutions providers and users. Our role remains quite simple: raise awareness around the full benefits from big data, analytics and cloud computing solutions. We point the way, when it comes to empower organizations, companies and public sectors with the ability to rapidly assemble, analyze and visualize immense amounts of complex data to improve decision making, operational effectiveness and
Connectikpeople.co encourages therefore Altosoft, a Kofax company, in its new commitment via Altosoft Insight™ 5.0.
Connectikpeople.co observes that, Insight 5.0, aims to deliver significant new capabilities, including a distributed in-memory architecture, continuous simulation and governed data discovery.
Altosoft leverages on MapAggregate, developed to meet the challenges of rapidly expanding data volumes and aims to overcome the inefficiencies and architectural limitations of first generation in-memory business intelligence (BI) and analytics software products.
Continuous Simulation, takes the role of the new predictive analytics capability that provides improved operational forecasting for business processes being monitored by the Insight 5.0.
Governed Data Discovery: here, Insight 5.0 aims to highlight two new capabilities: First, the software can be centrally installed, updated and administered on one or more servers while making client applications, including development, configuration, dashboard, management and other tools, accessible to business users via browser based interfaces that do not require the installation of software or plugins.

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