Two new great steps from Google Cloud Platform: better integration and seamless monitoring.

As a must-attend landmark for digital transformation for the companies of all sizes, scrutinizes in real-time what happens at Google Cloud Platform, and progressively, we are impressed by the dynamism around this platform.
Two new elements have captured our attention: the acquisition of Stackdriver, which means that, pending the implementation of this technology, developers will be able to monitor the apps and services they’re building and running in the cloud. We talk about: visibility into errors, performance, behavior, and operations.

With the General Availability of the Google Cloud Storage JSON API, this service gains in maturity, because covered by the Google Cloud Storage Service Level Agreement (SLA) and deprecation policy.

If unfamiliar, recalls that, the Google Cloud Storage JSON API
can provide:
·        Equivalent functionality to the XML API,
·         offers better integration with Google’s API client libraries,
·        Extend functionality by offering features not available in the XML API such as request batching and object change notifications.

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