Spans and scrutinizes, analyzes and highlights more than 70 leading Cloud Computing compagnies across the world.

As you can observe here, soon RetinkNow®, henceforth, is  the unique objective landmark and the must-attend platform when it comes Cloud technologies and methodologies, Cloud services and Cloud marketplaces. Our international commitment is so clear: speed-up the end-to-end digital transformation within universities and colleges, enterprises and organizations, public sectors and
This worldwide commitment focuses on the good practices, good methodologies and technologies, smart decisions and relevant content, applications, sensors, devices wherever you are.
Henceforth more than 70 leading cloud computing companies across the world believe in soon RetinkNow® including:
1. 451 Research
26. Dyn
51. Reval
2. Acquia

27. Endurance International

52. Rift-IO
3. Actifio

28. Engine Yard

53. RightScale
4. Akamai

29. Egenera

54. Salsify
5. Apperian

30. Equinix

55. Saucelabs
6. Amazon Web Services

31. Eucalyptus

56. Scribe
7. Backupify

32. 451 Research

57. Signiant
8. Black Duck

33. Gravitant

58. Silver Sky
9. Brightcove

34. Imprivata

59. SnapLogic
10. Bromium

35. Intel

60. 6fusion
11. BTI

36. Internap

61. Sharethrough
12. Canonical

37. Intuit

62. SpringCM
13. Carbonite

38. Jamcracker

63. Stratus
14. Chef

39. MassTLC

64. SumoLogic
15. Cirro

40. Microsoft

65. SurveyMonkey
16. Cisco

41. Mimecast

66. THINKStrategies
17. Citrix

42. Nasuni

67. TradeGecko
18. Cloud Elements

43. Newforma

68. Unidesk
19. CloudBees

44. Open-Xchange

69. VDX
20. CoreDial

45. Pax8

70. Verizon
21. Cloud Health Technologies

46. Piston

71. Virtustream
22. CloudNow

47. Plexxi

72. WPEngine
23. CloudVolumes

48. Rackspace

24. Couchbase

49. Ramp

25. Demandware

50. Red Hat


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