Comprehensive training solutions to Information Security and IT Risk organizations.

When it comes to application- and information-security training market, soon #Retinknow®, sees a growing market, animated by the sophistication of attacks; low security awareness among employees; lack of great education within software teams and staff.
This means that, software teams and staff need critical training on the security topics; they need training in real-time to follow security policy. In fact, organizations have to focus on innovative methodologies and learning techniques that maximize knowledge retention and drive behavior change.
As part of our global commitment, soon #Retinknow®, encourages Security Innovation ( software security assessment and training), in its new momentum to strengthen its footprint in the application security training market, with the ability to provide comprehensive training solutions to Information Security and IT Risk organizations.
Security Innovation and Safelight, henceforth aim to offer enablement programs and persistent assets to ensure that staff remains security conscious and implement acquired knowledge in the proper manner.

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