Combined with News# and #Usecases,, soon #Retinknow revolutionizes the technological sphere across the world.

As you know, based on our technological knowhow; knowledge; expertise; skills and background,, soon #Retinknow takes stance; voices; recommends; advices; helps; analyses; encourages ad raises awareness when it comes to  the new IT Convergence.
Henceforth, with the arrival of News#, via this label,, soon #Retinknow reports and comments in real-time: technological news, trends and facts from the Silicon Valley; Bangalore; Tel-Aviv; Singapore and from across the world.
With regard to #Usecases,, soon #Retinknow reports and scrutinizes in real-time how the new IT Convergence transforms companies, organizations and public sectors. The goal here is to facilitate the digital transformation, based on successful cases.

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