Cybersecurity, Analytics and Secure Cloud Computing Solutions: Haystax paves its way: stakes, advices and realities. is proud to observe that, more and
more technological companies and startups accelerate their R&D and
investments when it comes to secure and facilitate the new IT convergence
adoption; increase awareness and improve trainings.
Haystax Technology Inc., a developer analytics and cloud computing solutions, is one of the key
actors of this industry, and its ambitions are pretty clear: provide
next-generation intelligence and analytics solutions that deliver
up-to-the-minute situational awareness and actionable intelligence for
government and commercial markets.
In our data-driven world, enterprises, organizations, governments, need a combination
of great technologies, relevant methodologies and human analysis to turn in
real-time large, disparate and unstructured data volumes into
comprehensive and actionable information. This loom is crucial with regard to
the end-to-end performance and competitiveness.
Haystax Technology Inc. has acquired
NetCentrics Corporation, a provider of cybersecurity and network management solutions for defense
and federal customers.
With this new momentum, Haystax Technology Inc., expands and consolidates
its portfolio as a technological provider,
specializing in big data analytics, cloud computing, real-time threat assessment,
cybersecurity and IT enterprise management for defense, intelligence and
commercial markets.