Data center into one agile converged infrastructure: stakes, recommendations and solutions.

In our new ITConvergence world combined with the hyper-scale environments where, the mobile is the meet-point, in terms of data, services, technologies and influences, it is clear and obvious that, companies still need and select the optimum equipment in order to meet the increasing needs of their users and infrastructures every time.
This means, companies need inter alia:  

  • Flexible, agile, scalable, secure, open and converged infrastructure,

  • the maximum choice for their compute infrastructure without the management complexity ,

  • The RESTful API, to actively discover, monitor, manage and provision  their compute infrastructure along with the rest of the network resources,

  • a single management user interface to design, deploy, manage and protect IT services across a diverse structure of processing, memory and storage resources.

In this dynamic,, soon #Retinknow®, can also recommend to the companies or services providers to automate where it is possible in order to ensure the growing demands placed on our nowadays IT infrastructures.

In terms of solutions,, soon #Retinknow®, observes that, the Egenera software can automate the essential IT management tasks, reduce the time required to implement new IT projects and can improve service level agreements (SLAs) through embedded availability and disaster recovery mechanisms. 

If unfamiliar,, soon #Retinknow®, recalls that, Egenera PAN Cloud Director™ and PAN Manager® software can provide a simple way to quickly design, deploy and manage IT services.

Regarding Emulex, for instance, this company provides hardware and software solutions for global networks that can support enterprise, cloud, government and telecommunications. 

Emulex’s monitoring and management solutions, including its portfolio of network visibility and recording products, can provide organizations with complete network performance management.

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