End-to-end cloud analytics combined with software platform for real-time Operational Intelligence: recommendations, realities and players.
Social media and websites, mobile applications and sensors, smart devices and smart-wearables are henceforth part of our real-time life. This bunch of technologies and services generate, more than ever unmatched: data, information and intelligence from multiple sources.
When it comes end-to-end cloud analytics combined with software platform
for real-time Operational Intelligence, Connectikpeople
talks about:
- complex information value chain unified and simplified,
- the ability to eliminate the manual investigations into your big data processes,
- End-to-end cloud analytics to store, combine, analyze and visualize data to quickly answer business-critical questions,
- The ability to manage and analyze that data in one seamless, interactive environment and create strong applications,
- Enable organizations to search, monitor, analyze and visualize machine-generated big data coming from websites, applications, servers, networks, sensors and mobile devices.
It is also exciting to recalls this combination can help organizations,
public sectors, enterprises to deepen business and customer understanding,
mitigate cybersecurity risk, prevent fraud, improve service performance and
reduce cost.
Splunk and GoodData is headquartered in San Francisco are among the key
players of this industry.