Mortgage technology, on-demand software solutions, content and services: Ellie Mae paves its way.
When it comes to mortgage technology, content and services; it is paramount
to recall that, guidelines,
compliance resources and education include the vital factors of this industry.
This means that, as a provider of software solutions and services for this industry, you need to
appropriate this reality within the synergy of your actions.
Ellie Mae® is one of the key players of this industry. Its recent
acquisition has captured our attention, because it fosters valuable and
actionable data, resources, knowledge, information and helpful practices.
Ellie Mae® has signed a definitive agreement to acquire AllRegs,
an information provider for the mortgage industry.
This momentum means that, Ellie Mae progressively seizes the real stakes within
and around mortgage technologies, content and services and complements its
portfolio of product offerings, with the goal to power the entire mortgage