Here is what the ShellShock and HeartBleed industry-wide vulnerabilities have demonstrated.

We live henceforth in an ever changing world, in terms of, communication; technology; new devices; new ways employees work, threats and more.

When it comes to threats, we can daily observe that, Hackers deeply improve their skills, they improve their tools and  tactics. Major companies and Mid-sized businesses are hacked and a set of critical software vulnerabilities like ShellShock and HeartBleed are exploited in real-time.

The ShellShock and HeartBleed industry-wide vulnerabilities demonstrate that: the largest enterprises are no longer the biggest targets for malicious activity; we need a continual defense trainings; new technologies; connected intelligence ; real-time event monitoring, analytics, and reporting; simplified lifecycle management of overall security environments ; instant and automated security scaled to meet the needs of the network; and right-sized security solutions that uniquely address the needs of each organization.

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