Improve police services in our digital-driven world.

With overall adoption of Internet, as a strategic tool when it comes to interact, communicate, trade, sharing, get information, publish, improve working and living conditions, expand traditional services and more; it is grimy to observe that, we face and will face new types of crimes, delinquency and frauds. 

But it is also exciting to witness that, our police services have unmatched opportunities to improve their services, by expanding inter alia: use of new and advanced digital tools including predictive technologies , security cameras , sensing technologies, wearable technologies, social media channels, and mobile devices .

With these tools, police services can prevent as well as detect crimes in real-time and anywhere, if they use it to collect information and analyze specific cases; deeply communicate with citizens; identify where crime might occur and how best to deploy police; more interactions; bridge the communication gap between police and citizens and meet citizen expectations.

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