Accelerate creation and innovation around the Internet of Things: contest.
Expectations and excitements
around the Internet of Things, are various and vast. From business needs, via
sustainable development, security to health and living conditions, to name a
few, the magnificence of this emerging technology, will rely on the developers’s
imagination., soon encourages the new collaboration between Telit Wireless Solutions, a global enabler of the Internet of the Things (IoT), and Google Cloud
Platform to launch the IoT Big Data Challenge, a competition aimed at promoting
and accelerating innovation around the Internet of Things.
Registration and a kick-off Webcast are scheduled for December 2, 2014 at
11 a.m. ET. Submissions will be due on January 9, 2015, and winners will be
notified by e-mail and announced for the Americas and Asia at deviceWISE Global
Summit Miami on January 27, 2015, and winners for Europe, Middle East and
Africa will be announced at a Google Cloud Platform event in London on February
3, 2015.
For more information and to register for the IoT Big Data Challenge, please