Kit to ‘’Quickly and Easily’’ Add Internet of Things to the Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi Model A+

We are still at the early stage, when it comes to Internet of Things. But it is exciting to see that, from proprietaryand very hard to design, install, and maintain networks that linked smallsensor-based systems; to the new IT Convergence, a widely available broadbandconnectivity, and low cost sensor technology, the Internet of Things, progressively emerges as a real and massive market.

Thanks to the Weaved, who can offer a fully-capable, software, hardware-agnostic platform and drop-in services to easily enable sophisticated users and developers to add Internet of Things capability to any already networked products. 

Thanks also to the All Seen Alliance, a non-profit consortium dedicated to enabling the Internet of Everything through a universal development framework.

In this dynamic, henceforth Raspberry Pi application, can be transformed into an IoT device, with the new Weaved IoT Kit.

If unfamiliar,, soon can remind that, the Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that has been used in a wide array of digital “maker” projects.     

Available in beta, the Weaved IoT Kit for Raspberry Pi brings: a free software download that installs and runs on a Raspberry Pi; a free iOS app; and a combination of free and paid web connection and notification services for any Pi users. ( web-based connection and notification services combined with a mobile app that turns a Raspberry Pi into a full-fledged IoT device). 

This Weaved Kit can allow accessing your Raspberry Pi over the Internet from any device.

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