Trends which characterize and are transforming security, cloud, mobility and big data/Analytics in our digital-driven world.

Beyond the unmatched benefits from the exciting technologies such as Internet of Things, Wearable, smart sensors cloud, mobility and big data/Analytics, we can also learn and observe that: 

A lack of readily available security information is similarly preventing organizations from being prepared during a security breach. Few organizations actually have a plan in place for all types of security breaches. 

In organizations where executive leadership is involved in security, confidence is distinctly increased. 

Few workforce is fully aware of the organization’s own security rules; the business benefits of cloud computing are even more prevalent when organizations use more than one type of cloud solution. 

There are notable challenges facing cloud computing adoption and implementation, most of which stem from a lack of understanding and experience as well as security concerns. 

The immediate efficiency and productivity benefits of a mobile workforce are undeniable. 

When it comes to big data, organizations don’t really know what to do with it.  Few understand how to extract value from big data and are pursuing it. Big data is less of a pressing issue than security, cloud and mobility. 

Big data presents a major competitive opportunity. Those organizations that are the most effective in deriving business insights from big data are seeing much higher growth rates than those that are not. 

Lack of technical skills is an additional barrier in big data strategies. Major companies and organizations are leveraging private clouds instead of public clouds.

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