Here is what Enterprises can do to protect themselves from vulnerable dating apps active inside their infrastructure.

Many developers are very talented, clever and gifted when it comes to develop beautiful apps with a cute design that work. But as you can discover here, few have strong skills to develop secure and trustworthy apps. 

An analysis conducted by IBM Security found over 60 percent of leading dating mobile apps they studied to be potentially vulnerable to a variety of cyber-attacks that put personal user information and corporate data at risk. 

According to the IBM Application Security Research team, businesses need to be prepared to protect themselves from vulnerable dating apps active inside their infrastructure, especially for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) scenarios. 

To protect confidential corporate assets, businesses should:
·      Adopt the Right Protection: Leverage Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) offerings with mobile threat management (MTM) capabilities to enable employees to utilize their own devices while still maintaining the security of the organization.
·      Define Downloadable Apps: Allow employees to only download applications from authorized app stores such as Google Play, iTunes, and the corporate app store.
·      Education is Key: Educate employees to know the dangers of downloading third party applications and what it means when they grant that app specific device permissions.
·      Immediately Communicate Potential Threats: Set automated policies on smartphones and tablets, which take immediate action if a device is found compromised or malicious apps are discovered. This enables protection to corporate resources while the issue is remediated.

For those who unfamiliar, recalls that, IBM Security analysts from the IBM Application Security Research team used its new IBM AppScan Mobile Analyzer tool to analyze the top 41 dating apps available on Android devices to identify vulnerabilities that can leave users open to potential cyber-attacks and threats. These apps were also analyzed to determine the granted permissions, unveiling a large number of excessive privileges.

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