Platforms for Building Cognitive Computing Solutions: Realities, stakes and recommendations.
If we are henceforth fascinated by the unmatched
unstructured and structured data (text, tweets, digital
transactions, blogs, images, and videos) from multiple sources, that rhythm our day, so we
are also more and more fascinated about the exciting opportunities generated by
this dataset.
We can therefore show appreciation to the ingenuity
behind Cognitive technologies or Artificial Intelligence.
Henceforth enterprises
and organizations can appreciate the ability to integrate cognitive
intelligence into business processes and enterprise applications.
Concretely enterprises
and organizations can extract critical insights and actionable advice
from this massive explosion of data to solve real customer problems, generate new
revenue streams and inter alia streamline critical IT operations.
In this market, always recommends standards-based
platforms that work inter alia with other platforms including: Amazon Web Services,
Google Cloud, and IBM Watson.
Cognitive Scale which aims to revolutionize big data and analytics markets,
paves its way this vertical.