Gain deeper insight into historical SCADA data in an automated and timely fashion.

Based on total respect of anonymity and privacy it is encouraging and exciting to note that none data remains and will remain locked , when it comes to help businesses and improve our living condition. 

In this momentum, welcomes the AISight for SCADA Portal that can offer access to deeper insight into historical SCADA data in an automated and timely fashion.

You can try out this technology with your own real-world data and see what anomalies AISight can be found. Users can upload data and view analysis reports directly from the BRS Labs Portal.

 “The Portal receives data sets, makes sure they're valid, analyzes the data, and returns reports summarizing its findings’’; said Wesley Cobb, Chief Science Officer for BRS Labs. also recalls that for companies interested in real-time SCADA analysis, BRS Labs offers AISight for SCADA, a real-time, on-premise solution.

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