Critical insights from the Apple financial results for its fiscal 2015 second quarter ended March 28, 2015.
With nearly 62
millions iPhones sold worldwide, Apple beyond its daunting prices inspires:
confidence, quality and security. For how long, these excitements will continue
to flare up the sales records? Difficult to voice! But the most exciting is to note that: in a near
future, Apple will move its core of growth and development in Asia with: new
stores, R&D centers, new strategic alliances, new services, new strategic
plans and with a lot of concessions on data.
China is a great
illustration of what will occur in a near future in terms of concessions,
sales, expansions, profits and alliances.
If these
successive sales records on the iPhones represent a powerful source of revenue (nearly
70%), it is clear that, this situation is very dangerous for the investors.
Apple needs new sources of revenue and growth to balance its growth and development.
The growth was fueled by record second quarter sales of iPhone® and Mac® and all-time record performance of the App Store℠.