Make ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) easy in our data-driven age.

Meaningful and actionable data easily accessible and digestible in real-time to non-technical audience and for each critical staff is henceforth a game-changer when it comes to enhance productivity, performance, agility, security and profitability within enterprise. salutes an approach behind Magic, a set of automated, self-service tools that can make ETL (process for preparing data for analysis), easy. 

Magic includes: a visual user interface (UI) with drag-and-drop functionality, with the goal to enable a broad, non-technical audience to visually assemble traditional ETL functions like joining, cleaning and transforming as self-service. 

For those who unfamiliar, recalls that, ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) is a process in data warehousing responsible for pulling data out of the source systems and placing it into a data warehouse.

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