Modern collaboration in Office 365.

In our mobile-driven age, where companies need to empower the formation of dynamic teams and where collaboration is central to productivity and innovation, recalls that, (as you can observe here!) this is also our mission to help teams within enterprises and organizations come together, work smarter and faster, and scale their impact.

Easy, flexible, seamless and secure ways to self-organize, stay connected on the go, are indispensable in this momentum. 

The new Yammer experience within Office 365 by making Yammer a part of Office 365 Groups and Yammer signals a part of the Office Graph has captured our attention; because you can engage more deeply within groups and it is possible for extended teams to stay in sync and do more together.

You can also add extended team members from outside your organization, outside participants only access the conversations they have been added to.
‘Those who realize the most value use yammer as a home for their projects and initiatives’.

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