The Quantum Computing in our data age!

The stakes are enormous when it comes to streamline industries, transform how people make decisions and how researchers across industries make critical discoveries and more.
In our digital age, Quantum computers (atom-based computing) could quickly sort and curate ever larger databases as well as massive stores of diverse, unstructured data.

However, quantum machines, since quantum information is so fragile and one of the great challenges for scientists seeking to harness the power of quantum computing is controlling or removing quantum decoherence.

The creation of errors in calculations is caused by interference from factors such as heat, electromagnetic radiation, and material defects. salutes the IBM performances, described in the April 29 issue of the journal Nature Communications (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7979), showing the ability to detect and measure the two types of quantum errors (bit-flip and phase-flip) that will occur in any real quantum computer. 

For those who unfamiliar, recalls that until now, it was only possible to address one type of quantum error or the other, but never both at the same time.
Henceforth this is a necessary step toward quantum error correction, which is a critical requirement for building a practical and reliable large-scale quantum computer.

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