Kubernetes + Docker on Mirantis OpenStack 6.1: stakes and realities.

Stakes around Kubernetes , Docker and OpenStack are now well-known when it comes to build, deploy, run, monitor, and scale distributed apps in our digital age. 

Connectikpeople.co is there to help you streamline these experiences anywhere and anytime. 

So, for those unfamiliar, Connectikpeople.co recalls that, Kubernetes is an open source framework engineered to address the novel challenges of deploying, scaling, managing and ensuring availability of modern, multi-component containerized applications running on cloud infrastructure. 

While Docker, provides tools to developers with simple methods for composing, managing and updating apps in containers through their lifecycles.

OpenStack, with its tools for automating operations and orchestrating application deployment and scaling at the infrastructure level, is, in many ways, a holistic IaaS hosting environment for Docker and Kubernetes. 

Henceforth the release of Mirantis OpenStack 6.1 in combination of Community App Catalog transforms scaling on OpenStack.

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