New technological trends to inspire your entire week: be adaptive to change, but also able to predict and drive it.

Captured last week, following trends show how much our digital age is disruptive, volatile, flexible and very dynamic. (This post is part of our OurPerspective’slabel).

The goal here is also to help you, business and IT leaders understand and cope with the challenges and opportunities digital transformation can bring to their businesses.

Because at we also believe that, organizations should not only be adaptive to change, but also able to predict and drive it.

Implementing Infrastructure as a Service in the enterprise is an evolving process.

The rise of managed cloud services is making it hard for small businesses to justify the expenses of buying and maintaining in-house data centers.

Cloud-aware apps that aren’t confined to a specific database or infrastructure resources can greatly increase efficiency in your data center and reduce downtime.

An explosion of cheap software is bringing companies closer to where they want to be when it comes to collaboration.

New technology inspired by the eyes of flying insects could be the answer to keeping small drones from colliding.

Microsoft is working ahead of the curve to develop encryption capable of resisting attacks from supercomputers.

Real-time user behavioral analytics are here, and this has huge implications for security professionals.

Microsoft has called Windows 10 the last version of the single-pay OS.
A growing mountain of smart car innovations has resulted in demand for talent that can build the software and hardware necessary to make them function.

With thousands of apps appearing each month, it appears the sector may have reached a market saturation point.

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