Protect Enterprises from Data Loss, Fraud, and IP Theft in our data-driven age.
Insider threat within enterprises
is henceforth a top concern that companies and industries have to mitigate and
to stem. So the visibility or intelligence required to understand user behavior
is now at the core of stakes when it comes to protect enterprises from data
loss, fraud and IP theft across third-parties, privileged users, and business
Increasing user-centric security platforms gain in maturity providing inter
- Risk scoring, which identifies and prioritizes the highest-risk users to investigate,
- Abilities to distinguish misuse from legitimate user activity and shutdown user sessions,
- Field-level application marking and monitoring, which tracks in-application elements for data exposure and extraction,
- Accurate understanding of the sources of insider threats, access to sensitive data via applications and more.
ObserveIT with its new Insider Threat Platform paves its way in this niche.