The IBM’s 2015 Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study.
It is obvious that, we live in a digital age where email will continue
remain a powerful vehicle to engage customers with personalized campaigns and to
provide each individual with additional value while opening up new revenue opportunity
for the business.
Henceforth, you can combine email marketing with deep analytics to understand
customers, generate additional insights to deliver meaningful experiences for
each consumer at the right place and the right time.
According to the findings from the IBM’s 2015 Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study, ‘’brands used
email campaigns triggered by a person’s previous action, such as a recent
purchase or the resetting of their password, drove higher customer engagement
due to the timeliness and relevancy of these messages’’.
The study also reveals that, these campaigns (known as transactional
emails) produced an open rate of 72 percent and average click through rate of
30 percent.
For those who are unfamiliar, recalls that, IBM’s Email
Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study is an annual global study that analyzes
emails sent by 3,000 brands in industries such as travel, retail, IT, insurance
and more.