The intersection between containers and OpenStack: computing resources, security, scalability, productivity and more.

We live henceforth in a digital age where containers transform how developers build apps where and OpenStack transform how we deliver IT resources anywhere and anytime.

With self contained applications, you can pack up and move here, there, and everywhere: Write once, run anywhere. 

OpenStack is now the facto a cloud computing standard.

When it comes to the intersection between containers and OpenStack, recalls that, henceforth developers need the real-time ability to write a containerized application and move it around between machines easily.

Google’s introduction of the Kubernetes container management orchestration system is exciting: manage containers easily, moving them around, scaling them up and down, and so on.

In this momentum, OpenStack brings critical computing resources you need to run containers. 

With OpenStack you cannot worry about security between different containers and container’s open ports. also recalls that, many people who are using containers are doing it in the context of virtual machines. A VM can provide an opportunity to create a completely isolated environment for your container-based application, making it possible to provide the security and multi-tenancy you need in production applications.

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