Compute User Accounts in Google Cloud Platform.

Complex identity tasks are not tolerated in our cloud and data-driven age where security is a game-changer.
For those who are not familiar, recalls that, managing administrators' SSH access to VMs is a complex identity task that could be hard to make secure.

Henceforth, on Google Cloud Platform with the launch of Compute User Accounts (in beta); you can use the
setup steps to enable the Cloud User Accounts API and create VMs.

That means that you can inter alia:
  • Create VM accounts and groups just once to be used on all the VMs
  • Grant users SSH access and the ability to rotate keys without providing full project editor/owner rights
  • View at a glance the VM accounts and keys in your project
  • Be sure that all accounts on VMs will be disabled when the Google ID owning them is deleted or disabled. This means when an employee leaves the company, they'll no longer be able to SSH into your VMs.

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