Google Cloud Audit Logs in our cloud computing era

It is increasingly encouraging to observe that, Managed services and streamlined capabilities are at the core of stakes and concerns in our digital era where downtimes are not tolerated.

The arrival of Google Cloud Audit Logs for your Google Cloud Platform projects is a great momentum available in beta for App Engine and BigQuery.

Cloud Audit Logs can help you to track the actions of administrators in your Google Cloud Platform projects. 

Connectikpeople recalls that they consist of two log streams: Admin Activity and Data Access.

Admin Activity audit logs contain an entry for every administrative action or API call that modifies the configuration or metadata for the related application, service or resource.

Data Access audit logs contain an entry for:
  • API calls that read the configuration or metadata of an application, service or resource
  • API calls that create, modify or read user-provided data managed by a service (e.g. inserting data into a dataset or launching a query in BigQuery).

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