New momentum for Google’s web-scale analytics services within the mobile games industry

More and more, developers and enterprises need authentic streamlined capabilities to focus on core of their business. The stakes are huge in terms of productivity, performance and competiveness.

When it comes to mobile games industry, the emerging reality is that, mobile games attract millions of players and generate terabytes of game-related data in real-time.

As you can imagine, this places abnormal pressure on the infrastructure powering these games and requires scalable data analytics services to provide timely, actionable insights in a cost-effective way.

Henceforth, for those who use Google’s web-scale analytics services to create personalized experiences for their players, the new
reference architecture describes how you can collect, archive and analyze vast amounts of gaming telemetry data using Google Cloud Platform’s data analytics products. The architecture for analyzing mobile game events focuses on Batch processing and Real-time processing.

A key benefit of this architecture is that you can write your data pipeline processing once and execute it in either batch or streaming mode without modifying your codebase.

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