Samsung + Red Hat for the High-performance Ceph Reference Architecture

Well-balanced storage server node, improved bandwidth, high scalability and low latency, optimized software-defined storage solutions, performance optimization in an OpenStack environment, and data center community is at the core of stakes.

The combination of Samsung’s NVMe (SSD) Reference Design and Red Hat Ceph Storage, a software-defined storage platform, in a new high performance Ceph Reference Architecture by Samsung is an interesting momentum to optimize software-defined storage solutions in the data center.

In effect, Samsung’s NVMe Reference Design platform, together with Red Hat Ceph Storage, can deliver a highly scalable, more efficient TCO reference architecture that supports unified storage for enterprise IT or cloud environments in handling transactional databases, machine-generated data and unstructured data. 

One can also observe that, it can be deployed in an OpenStack environment to support the bandwidth, latency and IOPS requirements of high performance workloads and use cases, such as distributed MySQL databases, telco nDVR content retrieval and financial services.

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