New Iteris’s PedTrax Computer Vision for Smarter Crosswalks

At the center of stakes, we have: computer vision technology for automated pedestrian measurement at intersections; safety and mobility, count, direction and speed of pedestrians in crosswalks, insights on levels of street life, accurate and comprehensive view of pedestrian activity.

In effect, with PedTrax, Iteris is adding new pedestrian measurement capabilities to its advanced video detection platforms that already include bicycle detection and differentiation feature, SmartCycle®. 

Then, one can observe that, PedTrax automates measurement of count, direction and speed of pedestrians in crosswalks to provide insights on levels of street life. 

Transportation professionals and officials can make cities safer for pedestrians with better-informed decisions based on foot traffic volume, direction and speed to optimize intersection signal timing, and to inform proactive improvements to signage and striping, intersection design, overpass locations, school crossing guard deployment, and even economic development programs.


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