ZEROCELL™ Smart Energy Storage Appliance as nerve systems for homes, buildings and block-chain neighborhoods

Based on the reality that, electricity is more and more expensive, and that you deserve enhanced quality of life today by protecting the environment for future generations, through smart, safe, secure energy that is affordable, The ZEROCELL is a multi-functional appliance that stores and manages energy generated from either on-site-harvested energy or from off-site renewable energy transmitted by the electric grid. 

The ZEROCELLs (4KW, 8KW, 12KW and 16 KW) are multi-functional appliances that are all-in-one energy storage essential for homes, buildings and block-chain neighborhoods. 

One can observe that, the nanobattery can offer a life span of 12-18 years and up to 6,000 charges. The ZEROCELL is recyclable, and batteries do not leak and are non-flammable.

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