Database for integrating data from silos in today’s modern data environment

The requirements of today’s modern database are huge when it comes to process data, unlock actionable insights, and integrate data and build innovative applications on a 360-degree view of data.

In effect, Businesses today need a unified, actionable, 360 view of data in order to make better business decisions, get to market faster and reduce costs.

New generation databases are becoming the go-to alternative to relational databases and ETL solutions, helping organizations compete in today’s modern data environment.

NoSQL is experiencing an upward trend in the industry. For informational purpose only, player like MarkLogic as an interesting database for integrating data from silos can get data in and out easily without sacrificing enterprise-essential features like high availability and government-grade security. And with innovative features like integrated search, semantics, bi-temporal and tiered storage, the platform helps users accelerate their business-critical database applications.

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