Liquid immersion cooling Vs air-based cooling in Data center industry

One can observe that, Data center operators are building data center facilities that can deliver high efficiency and reduce power consumption. Cooling solutions have become an integral part of data centers. These solutions can be classified into two types namely, air-based and liquid-based cooling. Air-based cooling is a traditional method of cooling a data center, which involves higher consumption of electricity. 

In effect, despite extensive R&D in the data center space to bring about a reduction in OPEX, data center operators have struggled to develop an infrastructure that consumes less power and requires minimal maintenance. 

Data center operators opt for liquid immersion cooling systems that consume very less energy, which is almost 90% less compared to traditional air-based CRAC systems. 

In terms of OPEX, the growing number of racks installed in the data center facility and the rising rack power density has prompted many data center operators to opt for liquid immersion cooling rather than air-based cooling.

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