At the core of the general availability of Google Cloud Container Builder

Container technology has definitely proved its efficiency in our ever-connected world where apps and software are now part of our daily life and routines.
Google Cloud Container Builder is a stand-alone tool for building container images regardless of deployment environment.
Whether you're a large enterprise or a small startup, Google Cloud Container Builder can be a fast, reliable, and consistent way to package your software into containers as part of an automated workflow.

I can also observe that, Container Builder enables you to build your Docker containers on Google Cloud Platform.
Container Builder provides a REST API for programmatically creating and managing builds as well as a gcloud command line interface for working with builds from the CLI. Online documentation includes examples using the Cloud SDK and curl that will help enable you to integrate Container Builder into your workflows however you like.
Container Builder enables two new UIs in the Google Cloud Console under Container Registry, build history and build triggers.

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