Data governance capabilities, data modeling and development, and data professionals and business users

For many analysts, the level of data maturity and governance in many organizations is still very low. Change management is an integral component of data governance, which organizations must embrace to establish a data-driven culture. With the increasing use of agile and high-velocity development methodologies, data modeling must be incorporated into the workflow to ensure data quality and consistency.
The ability to allow multiple people to work on models, while having the context of why and how something changed in the data models is now a game-changer.
IDERA, a provider of database lifecycle management solutions, has released the latest versions of both ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition and ER/Studio Data Architect.
I can observe that, the updated data modeling and architecture tools feature enhanced data governance capabilities, close the gaps between data modeling and development, and can improve collaboration between data professionals and business users.
With this latest release, IDERA is expanding its change management capabilities to integrate with Atlassian’s JIRA issue tracking product. Team members can edit tasks and user stories in the ER/Studio Team Server collaboration platform and view related model changes using the integrated Change Management Center, to name a few.

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