Multicloud Management innovators: Cirba, Datadog, Embotics, RightScale, and Turbonomic

For those who are unfamiliar, IDC has published an IDC Innovators report recognizing five multicloud management software and SaaS vendors with revenue under $100 million.
The five vendors recognized as IDC Innovators are Cirba, Datadog, Embotics, RightScale, and Turbonomic.

Cirba provides predictive workload pattern analytics to drive optimal workload placement across multiple public and private clouds. Datadog monitors both public and private cloud services and has recently introduced application performance monitoring for Web applications. Embotics offers an easy-to-install cloud provisioning platform for managing public and private cloud environments. RightScale recently added a Governance model to its existing Cloud Management Platform SaaS solution and launched Optima, a multicloud cost management and optimization SaaS offering. Turbonomic's platform analyzes real-time workload demand and matches it to available resources across multiple cloud environments using market-based economic queuing analytics.


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