
Showing posts from August 2, 2013

Google and Endurance International Group help small business owners in the United States establish their web presence.

True has selected Huawei to deploy its 3G IP core network: stakes and opportunities.

The Brazilian Network Information Center ( has deployed Cisco® 100 Gbps IP and IP/DWDM technologies.

Duracell® today announced the launch of Duracell Quantum, as the world’s most advanced alkaline battery.

Orange plombé par une dette colossale de 29.610 milliards d’euros mise sa croissance en Afrique et Moyen Orient.

Cubeware announced the addition of LTGeoCoder to its BISTRO business intelligence (BI) applications store.

Advanced cyber-attacks: OpenDNS announced the latest release of its Umbrella Web security platform.

Phase active pour BlackBerry Messenger Android et iOS enclenchée.

Toshiba announced the launch of “TPD1054F”, a 1-channel low-side switch IPD (intelligent power device).

Intuitive 3D gesture interaction: SanDisk Ventures has invested in Pebbles Interfaces.

Google earth outreach Geo for Good User Summit 2013: November 12-15, 2013, Mountain View, California.

SAP has completed the acquisition of hybris: stakes and opportunities

Google Drive: henceforth it easier for you to access Docs, Sheets, and Slides from your Windows computer.

Avira announced the launch of Avira Rescue System, to repair viruses, Trojans, worms.